Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What are the advertising companies and how to use them? part 3

If you follow these steps you are on your way to catching some customers. But you need a few more pieces of bait to land the big catch.

Include your keywords and company name throughout the text. This can help your ad land in the search engines. Avoid using the words ‘we’ and ‘it’ and ‘our product’.

Use ‘you’ often. It pays to include your potential customer in your ad.

Be entertaining or subliminal, but don’t be boring! This can be a bit tricky in some areas of business, especially manufacturing. A good trick is to use a product noun as a verb and couple it with an adjective. An example would be for injection molds. Not the most entertaining subject, but: “Inject some speed into your production with high quality molds by Solinc.” And you’ve got a line with pull.

Be sneaky. Some B2B sites don’t allow you to put in your email address or URL in the ad copy. However, if you spell out “dot” or “at” in your addresses your potential customers can find you.

And finally, be polite. Never use all caps or more than one exclamation point at a time, be careful of poor grammar or bad spelling. Show your potential customers you care.

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