Friday, March 13, 2009

How to make blog? part2

Blog address (url): This is your url address. If you buy your domain name (for example, and forward it to your address (, then it
won’t matter what your address is. However, I suggest using your name (or pen-name) as
your address ( That also makes it easier for people to find you when
using a search engine.
Word Verification: Type the characters. Don’t worry if you make a mistake, it’ll give you another set
of characters to type.
Skip the Advanced Setup, and instead click the “Continue” arrow.

Choose a template: You can change your template later, so don’t worry that your choice is set in stone.
Since this will be a website rather than a blog, it’s usually best to pick a blog template that looks like a
nice website.
Something to think about: There are only so many blog templates on In order to not look
exactly like other blogs, for some templates you can change the picture of the header banner to whatever
you want. This is possible with “Rounders4,” “Snapshot,” or “TicTac” templates. For other templates
than these three, you can insert a picture but it requires more knowledge of html.
There are also third-party websites that offer free blog templates, but it also requires more knowledge of
Something else to think about: Websites tend to have the sidebar on the LEFT side rather than the right.
If the blog template you like has the sidebar on the right, it’s not too difficult to switch the sidebar from
left to right.
However, if your blog has .jpg background for the body (the part where the text is), it might look strange
when it switches over—for example, the “Snapshot” and “Moto” templates look odd when it switches.
“Thisaway” looks okay but a little untidy.
My suggestion is to choose your template and then switch the sidebar to see how it looks before you do
any other changes to the settings or html code.
You will need to first choose your template, then write a mock post so you have something to view.
Then go into your html code to switch the sidebar (instructions below) and see how it looks.

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