Sunday, April 5, 2009

What are the advertising companies and how to use them? part 1

Are your business-to-business ads working for you? If they are not making sales, are they at least generating interest in your company? Are they making an impression on your potential customers by making you stand out in a crowd? If not, then you should take a look at this article and get those ads working hard for you.
Don’t just fish for customers, catch them
  1. ALWAYS include your company name in the first sentence, preferably as the first word. Don’t start out with ‘we’. And briefly state what you do right away. For example: “Solinc designs plastic injection molds.” You want them to know who you are right away. Also, many B2B sites don’t allow visitors to view the total ad without paying or registering. You want everybody to at least be able to search for you on the Internet. This can also help your ad to appear on some search engines.

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