Saturday, May 2, 2009


Web design and search engine optimization happen to be two quite different disciplines, and usually people specialize in either one or the other, but rarely in both. However, there are synergies and consequent opportunities for strategic partnerships and alliances that effectively foster the requirements of the both aspects. With the increasing usage of online media in every regards a great many web sites are launched every year, and during site creation, SEO always demands extra endeavor and consequent supplementary costs. For that reason, many site owners opt to not do SEO at the outset, but will find it necessary to address SEO later - when site traffic and sales revenues do not match initial expectations. In hat case the other workable route can be adopted that can serve in a much more effective manner. The SEO Outsourcing Option is highly beneficial for the Web designing companies that lack in-house SEO skills. In, fact they should seriously consider outsourcing professional SEO services to offer the best strategic business solutions and effective formulations to their existing clients. Forming an alliance with a reputable SEO practitioner is a sound decision due to multiple reasons which are as follows: 1 It helps in gaining client respect by guiding your clients to a good service provider 2 It adequately facilitates implementation of the required site amendments with least risk to site reliability 3 Helps in gaining some additional billable hours inserting changes that provides for generating additional commission income on SEO work done on the site 4 Many SEO firms have already developed and offer an incremental range of competitively priced SEO services Most professional SEO practitioners are willing and able to work cooperatively with any web designer or web site developer seeking to outsource SEO reseller services for their clients. The SEO Reseller solution is highly imperative for any business enterprise that is hoping for significant Internet-based sales also it is equally crucial for the prospective clients that can actually find the web site. In fact many business / client relationships commence through contact established via search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN hence the need and significance becomes all the more relevant stressing on the emphasis of SEO reseller. From the multiple aspects of the business revolution that is flourishing at the online front SEO reseller is serving various marketing, business and outsourcing purposes and offering a complete and diverse spectrum solutions with the help of Reselling SEO Packages, SEO Affiliate Programs and Sell Link Packages. SEO reseller is highly important for e-commerce sites where the outsourcing options is being explored to incorporate the various related benefits that can make way for a differential and extraordinary business execution through the online portal.

Mail Marketing

E-mail Commercializing is one of the most important merchandising instruments available for communicating and developing relationships. Unlike many other marketing instruments it doesn't take any skilled or artistic skills to execute a good email marketing crusade.

Net marketing takes on these same activities but also pulls in different internet tools including web sites, e-mail, ezines, banner advertising, blogging, RSS, text links, search engine optimization, affiliates, autoresponders, and other ecommerce applications.

Advertising (ad)tracking- back end sales - associate program now, if you had a system that would support the integrating of all of these marketing tools in addition to the necessary e-commerce requirements, then you would have a money magnet web site. Internet marketing makes use of a lot of marketing tools like email marketing, website growth, building of a large opt-in list, online purchases, link backs and a lot of different methods.

Just in a few short years, we have seen rise and drop of banner advertisement, email commercializing, pop-ups, pop-unders and number of other marketing tools. email marketing crusades There are a great many individuals that are still reluctant to use what is one of the best marketing tools available today.

Be it SEO (search engine optimization) to promote the ranking of a website, trading reciprocal links with complimentary websites for link popularity, or compiling opt-in e-mail safe lists for direct marketing, the Internet marketer is sure to succeed when following in the footsteps of those that possess the tools and techniques of money making web sites.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What are the advertising companies and how to use them? part 3

If you follow these steps you are on your way to catching some customers. But you need a few more pieces of bait to land the big catch.

Include your keywords and company name throughout the text. This can help your ad land in the search engines. Avoid using the words ‘we’ and ‘it’ and ‘our product’.

Use ‘you’ often. It pays to include your potential customer in your ad.

Be entertaining or subliminal, but don’t be boring! This can be a bit tricky in some areas of business, especially manufacturing. A good trick is to use a product noun as a verb and couple it with an adjective. An example would be for injection molds. Not the most entertaining subject, but: “Inject some speed into your production with high quality molds by Solinc.” And you’ve got a line with pull.

Be sneaky. Some B2B sites don’t allow you to put in your email address or URL in the ad copy. However, if you spell out “dot” or “at” in your addresses your potential customers can find you.

And finally, be polite. Never use all caps or more than one exclamation point at a time, be careful of poor grammar or bad spelling. Show your potential customers you care.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What are the advertising companies and how to use them? part 2

You need a ‘hook’ to reel in your readers. There are probably plenty of other ads right next to yours so you need to get them within the first sentence or two. Use some great adjectives. Which is better: “Solinc designs injection molds.” Or “Solinc expertly designs high quality, precision injection molds.” Now they know who you are, what you do, and why you are special.

Ask a question about why your reader should choose you and answer it. Questions such as “Do your customers demand high quality?” “Are you looking for a total solution package?” Then tell them that’s what you deliver, you’ve got what they need.

Clearly state what you do step-by-step. Use bullets, numbers or short dedicated paragraphs. Make a list of your products and services. Then tell a little bit about them. Don’t forget to use your adjectives here. Give them a ‘line’ to find the bait.

Give them some food for thought. It’s time to ask them another question. This time ask them about a problem they might have that you can solve. For example, “Are you completely satisfied with your current supplier?” “Are you frustrated with late deliveries?” “Are you looking for faster and more reliable service?”

Give them a call to action. This is your ‘sinker’. Offer them the answer to their questions by contacting you today. Don’t let them get away.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What are the advertising companies and how to use them? part 1

Are your business-to-business ads working for you? If they are not making sales, are they at least generating interest in your company? Are they making an impression on your potential customers by making you stand out in a crowd? If not, then you should take a look at this article and get those ads working hard for you.
Don’t just fish for customers, catch them
  1. ALWAYS include your company name in the first sentence, preferably as the first word. Don’t start out with ‘we’. And briefly state what you do right away. For example: “Solinc designs plastic injection molds.” You want them to know who you are right away. Also, many B2B sites don’t allow visitors to view the total ad without paying or registering. You want everybody to at least be able to search for you on the Internet. This can also help your ad to appear on some search engines.

Friday, March 27, 2009

How to make seo ? part3

Step #4 – Addressing Existing Web Site Issues 

Now that you have gotten a good start with the above steps, you can start working on bringing your current Web site up to par while you are actually waiting for indexing on your 5 optimized pages. Your next plan of attack would be working on existing pages within your site. You may not be able to change every issue with your site but remember every small change could result in increased ranking for your site. You may only be able to change your title and Meta tags and not be able to change your corporate sites navigation so tackle what you can and don’t worry about the rest. Each and every issue is just one of the over 200 factors so learn to pick your battles and fix what you can. 

Step #5 – Social Media and Article Marketing 

Your whole goal is to open as many windows into your site as possible. You have already started this by creating 5 new pages into your site now it is time to open the windows even further. Whether you decide to use article marketing or all the endless possibility of social media marketing now is the time to concentrate on one or both of these window opening wonders. 

You can use the five phrases you found in your first step or you can find 5 new ones but at this stage you are creating content to be used in articles, on blogs or bookmaking pages within the many social media avenues. Your title is the most important element when tackling this step. Make your title keyword rich, compelling and deliver what your title describes in the article or blog post. 

If you are not quite ready to dive into social media start at least with adding a blog to your Web site. Your best results will come from the blog residing on your server and not one that is hosted on a free blogging site. Make a commitment to blogging regularly and always about your industry so your site and your blog are industry related. 

Step #6 – Tracking Your Progress 

Web analytics can show you information about all of your optimization projects. Not only will it show you your results for the 5 keyword phrases you are working on but it will open your eyes to how your visitor is moving through your site. Record your results on a weekly or daily basis. This step will help you in testing each one of your projects and help you decide which one you should concentrate more on. Usually I find 2 or 3 phrases that are really performing and those are the ones I concentrate on blogging and adding it to the social media venues. 

Step #7 – Keep Up With the Changes 

There is no other step as important as this one. The internet changes its landscape on a daily basis so it is imperative that what you learn in your SEO Training is always the latest information. Your Web site and or clients are depending on your expertise so don’t let them down by applying out of date or useless techniques. There are many places you can turn to for guidance. 

The first place would be Google, Yahoo! and MSN’s Webmasters guidelines. Each is posted on their site and is updates each and every time they have made changes to them. 

Another place would be to subscribe to one of many search engine optimization and marketing blogs created by industry leaders. Your instructor should be able to point you in the right direction to their most trusted resources. 

Continue learning by attending your favorite SEO Training provider’s courses on a yearly basis. Principles and techniques change often so always keep on top them. 

Often students are overwhelmed with the amount of information they are given at class but if you learn to take them in small steps starting with setting your goals you will find that your seo training is working for you and your Web site.

How to make seo ? part2

Step #2 – Keyword Research 

Any new project should always include this step. Keyword research is the basis for any successful page on your site. Let’s take the goals above and see how the keyword research you learned to perform in your seo training can be used. 

• Higher rankings can be achieved by finding those keywords in your industry that have a high KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) and low competing pages. You should concentrate on finding five phrases that you can work on simultaneously. 

• By redesigning your Web site you can be including your new found phrases and work them into your sales copy. If you are creating a new site this is the ideal time to make sure you are concentrating on your visitors experience while on your site. 

o Include a call to action above the fold 
o Contact information above the fold in straight html including area code and zip code. 
o Only use Flash in small elements and not as the whole page. 
o Include something that will grab your user’s attention. Something out of the normal that will make your visitor stop and take notice of your page. 

• Implementing SEO basics can be a daunting task if your site is large or it is many years old. Tactics that where used years ago are no longer useful and most times are being flagged as spam. Depending on how many elements need to be addressed you need to determine if it would be better to start with a fresh page or redo the existing page. A determining factor would be if the current page is already indexed. If this is the case then it would be best to fix the existing page. If the page has too many errors and creating a new one would be wiser be sure to name the new page the same as the old one or do a 301 redirect to the new page. Include your keyword phrase when implementing your basic search engine optimization. 

• Visitor response will increase if you are giving your visitors exactly what they are looking for. Only your keyword research will help you with this. We are in an instant gratification world and your visitor will only give you a few seconds to answer their search, so make sure it exactly what they are looking for. 

• Open additional windows into your site by using your keyword phrases in your social media avenues. A couple great places to include your keyword researched phrases would be in your blog post and creating a lens in Squidoo around your researched phrase. 

• Article marketing is not for everyone but it does allow you to open multiple windows into your site but writing articles around your phrase and submitting them to places like Scribd, and 

Step - # 3 – Which one to choose? 

I know you want to implement each and everyone of those goals into your site and you still don’t know where to start. 

Stop here and go find five phrases to work with and don’t even think about anything else at this point. 

After you find those phrases refer back to your SEO training notes and refresh your memory on how to create a search engine friendly Web page and create content for each of the new keywords you found. 

It is going to be hard not to get side tracked but stick to the project at hand. Your only concern is finding 5 phrases, creating content and designing five search engine friendly pages. 

Once that is done go ahead and publish the five pages to your Web site. Include each page on your site map, link it from and to relevant pages on your site and include keyword rich link text within the body of the page. 

Make a note of the day you added the new pages to your site for later use. 

Now that you have the first three steps under your belt you are ready to move onto step four.

How to make seo ? part1

Let’s set the stage… 

You’ve just invested valuable time and money by completing your hands-on SEO Training. You are now sitting back in your office contemplating all the wonderful information you just gathered, but you’re really confused on where to start. You pick up your notes leafing through them hoping something will inspire you to know what to do next. You start to drift back to class wishing you where still there. You hated to leave, you didn’t want it to end, you silently wish your instructor was there telling you where to begin. 

Good news! I am going to share with you a detailed search engine optimization and internet marketing plan to get the most out of your seo training and to get you started today. 

Step #1 – Setting Goals 

Before you can really get started you have to know what you want to achieve with your Web site. There could be a number of goals that you have in mind but your first step is get a clear picture of what you want the outcome to be. It could be: 

• To gain higher rankings. 
• To redesign your Web site to be more user friendly. 
• To implement SEO basics throughout your site to make it search engine friendly. 
• To increase your visitor response online. 
• To open additional windows to your site through social media marketing. 
• To launch an article marketing plan. 
• Or all of the above. 

What ever your goal is it is important to write it down and post it where you can see it every day. “Goals that are not written down are just wishes.”

Friday, March 13, 2009

How to make blog? part2

Blog address (url): This is your url address. If you buy your domain name (for example, and forward it to your address (, then it
won’t matter what your address is. However, I suggest using your name (or pen-name) as
your address ( That also makes it easier for people to find you when
using a search engine.
Word Verification: Type the characters. Don’t worry if you make a mistake, it’ll give you another set
of characters to type.
Skip the Advanced Setup, and instead click the “Continue” arrow.

Choose a template: You can change your template later, so don’t worry that your choice is set in stone.
Since this will be a website rather than a blog, it’s usually best to pick a blog template that looks like a
nice website.
Something to think about: There are only so many blog templates on In order to not look
exactly like other blogs, for some templates you can change the picture of the header banner to whatever
you want. This is possible with “Rounders4,” “Snapshot,” or “TicTac” templates. For other templates
than these three, you can insert a picture but it requires more knowledge of html.
There are also third-party websites that offer free blog templates, but it also requires more knowledge of
Something else to think about: Websites tend to have the sidebar on the LEFT side rather than the right.
If the blog template you like has the sidebar on the right, it’s not too difficult to switch the sidebar from
left to right.
However, if your blog has .jpg background for the body (the part where the text is), it might look strange
when it switches over—for example, the “Snapshot” and “Moto” templates look odd when it switches.
“Thisaway” looks okay but a little untidy.
My suggestion is to choose your template and then switch the sidebar to see how it looks before you do
any other changes to the settings or html code.
You will need to first choose your template, then write a mock post so you have something to view.
Then go into your html code to switch the sidebar (instructions below) and see how it looks.

How to make blog? part1

The following instructions are for blog templates only.
Get a blog on
Go to
There's an orange arrow that says "Create your blog now". Click on that.
You have to create an account.

Username: Your username is just the ID for when you log in. It won't show up on your blog anywhere.

Password: Enter your password on both lines.

Display Name: Your Display Name is what will show up on your blog. Put your name, for example,
“Camy Tang” or your pen name, “Amy Tan,” so that bloggers will know who you are. It's all about
name recognition, and you don't want to have a weird Display Name where no one knows who you are.

E-mail address: I use my "public" e-mail address,, because I give Blogger
Permission to share it so that people can get in touch with me easily.
Some people don't share their email
addresses because it's their private or business e-mail accounts.
Click the Acceptance of Terms box. Click Continue.

Blog title: Pick a title for your website. (This will NOT be your blog url address.) It can be your name,
or it can be a cute title. For publicity purposes, it’s best to have your name in the title somewhere. For
example, “Camy Tang’s website.”

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Work at Home Business part 2

2. BIG Profits- This is important as the advertising needed to result in sales can be quite costly. For some $1000 price point business programs, it isn't unusual to spend $200, $400 or even $600 to make that $1000 sale. Of course, there are ways to also spend $0 in advertising, but the reality is advertising is often on the range where to make $1, you may need to spend $0.40. Your profit is still $0.60. Would you do that over and over if you had a automated system in place to make this happen? Big Profits allows enough profit so your advertising cost is well covered by your selling price. You can't do much advertising to make a profit on selling a $20 ebook for example. 3. Hot Products- Yes, the product must be tangible and have use and value. There are many new business opportunities that offer $75,000 or more worth of downloadable products that sell for $1000. That's pretty HOT, and full of value. Having a product that can be downloaded, means NO shipping. Now that is just way too easy. 4. Leads and Traffic- This is probably the most perplexing for most new work at home business owners. An online business will never make any money without a source of leads (prospects). The key to providing leads to an online business is they need to be targeted. This means you need to advertise to a niche market of people looking for exactly what your offers. Seems so simple a concept, but so may people struggle in building their prospect list. 5. Support and Training- as with any business start up, you need to learn your work at home online business program.Make sure that your business program has ample training and resources so you know exactly what to do to get those prospects to your System. This is not always easy to figure out when doing your due diligence on an offer.

Work at Home Business part 1

The internet changes daily as far as what works and what doesn't when it comes to making money online. If you are new to work at home online businesses, your head can spin with all the hype, sales pitches , and outright lies as far as the reality of starting up an online home based business. There are however a few things to look for in your search for a work at home business that can become some nice additional income, or even better, your "job". Working at home, generating $1000 a day is far from what I call a "job". To help ease your frustration, and point you in the right direction for what you should be looking for in today's online marketplace, the following summarizes the 5 essential ingredients in a winning work at home online business opportunity. Later in this brief overview, I will offer a "secret" to online success that is rarely mentioned in the many articles written on the subject. 1. SYSTEM- This may be the most crucial item to your success. You need a System that generates prospects, educates them on your business opportunity, sorts and weeds out those that are not interested in your offer, then closes the sale at a conversion rate that ensures profitability. The System must be as automated as possible so you aren't spending hours cold calling or following up with people that are probably not interested, then trying to use your sales closing skills to make a sale. Think of the successful off line businesses such as McDonalds, Tim Hortons or Subway. Do you think they could duplicate those businesses all over the country, setting up new franchise owners to run these businesses, without a SYSTEM that works?

Friday, March 6, 2009


When Internet was new that time few companies developed websites for online buyers or Giving customer Support from worldwide. Now days almost Every Company having their websites to attract online Buyers Traffic. Now days Many Leading portals helping Companies to build Online Stores to bring huge buyers customers traffic for their products and Services. Many companies offering Backlinks to Increase the Ranking in many Leading Search Engines. Companies understand now that Backlinks Building can be helpful to increase Search Engines Ranking. Search Engines Submissions, Business-to-Business Directories Submissions, RSS submissions etc. are some ways to increase Backlinks. Companies also Started concentrating on keyword eMarketing, companies understands now days that keyword can bring Buyers Traffic on their online sales Channels websites. Companies also started creating data feeds for many shopping websites to increase buyer’s traffic on their websites.

E-Business Knowledge Processing Outsourcing

Companies offering Customer support Channels through Internet and many new business opportunities increasing day by day, Internet became a platform of Business Processing Outsourcing or Knowledge Processing Outsourcing. Many new Start-ups companies and many established companies entering this new BPO or KPO Avenue from worldwide. BPO or KPO ebusiness Industry finding as well as receiving many new business Opportunities Avenue.

E-business and e-Marketing

Internet now days became a real marketplace and many many companies using Internet as a online Selling and Customer Care or Support Tool for their Products and Services. Companies using e-Marketing, Search Engines Optimizations, e-mail eMarketing, Opt-In emailing Lists, Web Sites, Online Website Promotions, Backlinks Increasing, Link Building, Online Stores, Data Feeds, RSS Feeds, RSS Submissions, Business to Business (b2b) Exchange, Sales Force Automation Solution Software’s, Online Live Customer Care or Live Support etc. and many many new technologies to do online e-business.

Inserting Local Search Optimization In Your E-Marketing Effort

Are you still using that yellow book? People say that old habits never die, but I tend to differ. As an example, can you remember the last time you’ve open a yellow pages book? Ok, perhaps that other night when you were searching for a local pizza delivery number. Although with the growing number of small business advertising their services online, this medium’s popularity is in straight decline. It’s much easier asking Google to find information on a local service than skimming through hundreds of yellow pages advertisements. Type your question and geographic location on the search engine and you will be presented with the closest match to your query. So with the future of Internet resting on local searches, your small business needs not only to reveal your site to your local prospect, but understand the online behavior of your local audience. Today’s newsletter features the key elements behind local search optimization, to ensure the guy across the street finds your web site when searching for your products and services. Quick history of local search Local optimization is not an entirely new idea, as we have to go back to the Internet’s first years to see small businesses focusing their optimization efforts on reaching out to their local market.

Definition E-Commerce

E-commerce is a business transaction through
electronic media (Internet, e-mail, extranet, intranet,
EDI), which supports the buying or selling of goods
or services. More often it is known as trading online.
Whether to trade online is for many companies
dependent on the software available, the website
they own and the Internet connection they have.
However, the initial decision to trade online is nota technology issue – it is a business decision.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Internet Marketing Legends That Use YouTube 

Internet Marketing Legends That Use YouTube

Internet marketing legends know that video and You Tube is the future of the Internet and Internet marketing. We will show you some of the Internet Marketing Legends that are on You Tube and some of their videos. If you don’t see your favorite marketer, go to You Tubes home page and search for them. I’m sure you will find dozens of references and videos for them.

Jim Edwards and the Power to Create Profits

Jim Edwards and Internet Marketing: The Best Way To Get People On Your List

Stephen Pierce’s Mind Mapping

Stephen Pierce’s The Greatest Mistake Marketers Make‐89meeWxkpE

Armand Morin’s How to Create Profits
Armand Morin and His Big Seminar Interviews

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Guide to eMarketing Success part2

5. Site Listed in DMOZ Directory This is a huge boost as it is said that Google's directory comes straight from the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ is commonly known as the Open Directory Project ( and it has strict guidelines as to who is listed. Submission info can be found here:
6. Offline Marketing Never underestimate the value of using low-cost, offline marketing techniques to encourage people to visit your website. Ensure your website address is clearly listed on
7. eMail Newsletter Permission-based email marketing can be a low-cost and very effective component of your web marketing strategy. It can help to build a relationship between your business and target market, and can drive traffic back to your website. Email marketing can consist of direct email blasts and sales letters, personalized auto-responders, and/or email newsletters.
8. 3rd Party Publishing A great method of marketing your business is by publishing editorials in third-party ezines, e-newsletters and on information-based websites. Just as editorials in offline media can help position you as an expert in your field and drive readers to your website, providing articles written (or ghost-written) by you to targeted online media can also drive traffic to your website, often with no out-of pocket expense. Just remember to include a short biography that outlines what you do and a link to your website at the bottom of each article you publish.
9. Start a Blog A blog or weblog is simply a web page that scrolls chronologically like a journal and contains links to other websites of interest. Blogs, as creative online journals, have been used by technical specialists for a number of years, but business blogs, or b-blogs are just now making inroads into the mainstream. As an alternative, low-cost (or even free) means of electronic communication, blogs can make up a significant part of your overall marketing strategy. Although b-blogs carry an inherent marketing focus not found in creative weblogs, their casual structure provides the opportunity to connect with readers on a more immediate and personal level than traditional websites and newsletters allow
10. Develop a "Free" Service Offer free information and tools on your site that can be used by your online visitors. It's one thing to say, "Come to our site and learn about our business." It's quite another to say, "Use the free kitchen remodelling calculator available exclusively on our site." Make sure that your free service is closely related to what you are selling so the visitors you attract will be good prospects for your business. Give visitors multiple opportunities andlinks to cross over to the sales part of your site.

Guide to eMarketing Success part1

Successful marketing on the Internet is not just about listing your website on Yahoo or
sending out thousands of unsolicited emails. Without a quality product or service and a
well developed website a top 10 listing in Google is pointless.

1. Content, Page Quantity and Frequency of Changes
The bottom line for getting good search engine results is to have lots of keyword rich
content on lots of pages. Google likes big sites. The larger sites are presumed to be
better funded, better organized, better constructed, and therefore better sites. Content
must be updated often; this is a Google patent and concerns the changes to page
content over time. Google sees newer content as better content especially if the site
‘theme’ is news, retail or auction.

2. Submit Your Site
You should submit your site to Google, Yahoo, and MSN at least once and no more than
once every 30 days. Although Google says that manually submitting your pages to their
index is unnecessary however they have an interface for you to do so. MSN will seldom
visit a website unless invited by submission. Yahoo frequents more than MSN but less
than Google but will dramatically increase visits after submission
3. Google Sitemaps
Google Sitemaps is an easy way for you to submit all your URLs to the Google index
and get detailed reports about the visibility of your pages on Google. With Google
Sitemaps you can automatically keep Google informed of all your web pages, and when
you make changes to these pages to help improve your coverage in the Google crawl.

4. Yahoo Directory Submit
Yahoo! Directory Submit is part of a suite of services Yahoo! created to serve the needs
of businesses like yours. Yahoo! Directory Submit provides expedited review of web
sites that are submited for possible inclusion in the Yahoo! Directory for US$299
(nonrefundable) for each Directory listing that is submitted. Furthermore, for each listing
accepted into the Directory, there is a recurring annual fee of US$299 to maintain the
listing in the Directory for the subsequent year.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Internet Payment Processing System

Understanding how best to address the need for Internet payment gateway services
requires first briefly examining the participants in an Internet payment processing system.
Participants in a typical online payment transaction include:
· The customer: typically, a holder of a payment card—such as a credit card or debit
card—from an issuer.
· The issuer: a financial institution, such as a bank, that provides the customer with a
payment card. The issuer is responsible for the cardholder’s debt payment.
· The merchant: the person or organization that sells goods or services to the
cardholder via a Web site. The merchant that accepts payment cards must have an
Internet Merchant Account with an acquirer.
· The acquirer: a financial institution that establishes an account with a merchant and
processes payment card authorizations and payments. The acquirer provides
authorization to the merchant that a given card account is active and that the proposed
purchase does not exceed the customer’s credit limit. The acquirer also provides
electronic transfer of payments to the merchant’s account, and is then reimbursed by
the issuer via the transfer of electronic funds over a payment network.
· The payment gateway: This function, operated by a third-party provider, processes
merchant payments by providing an interface between the merchant and the
acquirer’s financial processing system.
· The processor: a large data center that processes credit card transactions and settles
funds to merchants, connected to the merchant on behalf of an acquirer via a payment
The basic steps of an online payment transaction include the following:
1. The customer places an order online by selecting items from the merchant’s Web site
and sending the merchant a list. The merchant often replies with an order summary of
the items, their price, a total, and an order number.
2. The customer sends the order to the merchant, including payment data. The payment
information is usually encrypted by an SSL pipeline set up between the customer’s
Web browser and the merchant’s Web server SSL certificate.
3. The merchant requests payment authorization from the payment gateway, which
routes the request to banks and payment processors. Authorization is a request to
charge a cardholder, and must be settled for the cardholder’s account to be charged.
This ensures that the payment is approved by the issuer, and guarantees that the
merchant will be paid.
4. The merchant confirms the order and supplies the goods or services to the customer.
5. The merchant requests payment, sending the request to the payment gateway, which
handles the payment processing with the processor.
6. Transactions are settled, or routed by the acquiring bank to the merchant’s acquiring
bank for deposit.

E-Commerce Opportunity

A secure e-commerce Web site can provide businesses with powerful competitive
advantages, including increased online retail sales as well as streamlined application
processes for products such as insurance, mortgages, or credit cards. E-commerce credit
card sales can be especially lucrative: according to independent analysts, cash

By offering products and services on the Web, businesses can gain unique benefits:
· New customers: Anyone with an Internet connection is a potential customer: millions
around the world are already using the Internet for business transactions. Web
storefronts are open 24 hours a day, and require no investments in brick and mortar.
· Cost-effective delivery channel: Many products and services, such as software or
information, can be distributed directly to customers via the Web, enhancing the
customer experience and increasing profitability by eliminating the shipping and
overhead costs associated with order fulfillment.
· Streamlined enrollment: Paper-based enrollment workflows are fraught with delays.
Applications for insurance, a mortgage, or a credit card, for example, can be held up
in the mail. And once received, application information must be entered into
computer systems manually, a labor-intensive process that can introduce errors. By
accepting applications via a secure Web site, businesses can speed application
processing, reduce processing costs, and improve customer service.
· Better marketing through better customer knowledge: Establishing a storefront on
the Web positions enterprises for one-to-one marketing—the ability to customize
products and services to individual customers rather than large market segments. The
Web facilitates one-to-one marketing by enabling businesses to capture information
about demographics, personal buying habits, and preferences. By analyzing this
information, enterprises can target merchandise and promotions for maximum impact,
tailor Web pages to specific consumers, and conduct effective, tightly focused
marketing campaigns.
No business can afford to ignore this opportunity. But businesses also can’t ignore the
potential pitfalls. Before entering the fiercely competitive e-commerce arena, businessesmust carefully assess and address the accompanying risks.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


In December 2003 new rules came into force
covering marketing e-mails and SMS
messages to individuals.
The Privacy and Electronic Communications
Regulations introduced an opt-in consent
procedure for commercial e-mails – which
means you can only target people who have
agreed to be contacted. This is a change
from the previous rules, which only required
that customers be given the opportunity to
opt out of being marketed to.
To save having to contact all your existing
customers to get consent, the rules apply
only to new customers. You can continue
marketing to your current customers
provided they can opt-out of future
messages and the messages cover similar
products and services.
The other main point is that you must clearly
mark you e-mails with your contact details
and include a valid return e-mail address.


While search engines are far outstripped by
direct referrals, they can still prove useful
for attracting customers if you are in a very
price sensitive market or you provide a
niche product.
Over 90% of all referrals to e-commerce sites
come from the four largest search engines:
Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL1. Competition
for a high ranking on these sites is intense
because only 10% of web users look beyond
the second page of results2.
If you are expecting your website to generate
significant commercial returns it may well be
worth spending the extra to engage the
services of a professional search engine
placement agency. If you are a small
company with a limited budget, and your
website is just one of several channels to
market, you may be better off with a DIY
approach. If things go well you can always
revisit your search engine placement
strategy at a later date.
Different search engines rank websites in
different ways – some by a site’s popularity,
some by relevance and some by quality.
Many also offer the option of paying for a
place on the first page.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The benefits e-marketing

If you build a website you can reach anyone,
anywhere in the world, provided they have
internet access. This allows you to tap new
markets and compete globally with only a
small investment. This can be particularly
useful for niche providers, companies whose
products can be posted easily, or businesses
who are looking to expand geographically
but cannot afford to invest in new offices
or businesses.

A properly planned and effectively targeted
e-marketing campaign can reach the right
customers at a much lower cost than traditional
marketing methods. You can build a website
for as little as a few hundred pounds or send
e-mail for a fraction of a penny.

Marketing by e-mail or banner advertising
makes it easier to establish how effective
your campaign has been. If someone clicks
on a banner advert, or a link in an e-mail or
on a website, you can see how they arrived
at your website. This detailed information
about customers’ responses to your
advertising allows you to assess the
effectiveness of different campaigns.

With a website your customers can find
out about your products even if your office
is closed.

If you have a website or an e-mail template,
you can react to events much more quickly –
giving your marketing a much more
contemporary feel. If one of your products is
in the news or something important happens
in your industry, you can capitalise on it
without having to print or post anything.

With a well-designed website, you can show
yourself to be as professional and credible as
your larger competitors.

If your customer database is linked to your
website, then whenever someone visits the
site, you can greet them with targeted
offers. The more they buy from you, the
more you can refine your customer profile
and market effectively to them. A great
example of this is Amazon’s website which
suggests products based on your and other
people’s previous purchases.

E-marketing lets you reach people who want
to know about your products and services
instantly – you don’t have to wait until they
come home from work and switch on the TV
or open their mail. People have a different,
more personal relationship with most new
technologies. For example, many people take
mobile phones and PDAs wherever they go,
and a surprising number feel lost without their
e-mail. Combine this with the personalised
aspect of e-marketing, and you can create
very powerful and targeted campaigns.

E-marketing lets you create interactive
campaigns using music, graphics and
videos. You could send your customers a
game or a quiz – whatever you think will
interest them. One of the great successes of
e-marketing has been film companies letting
people download trailers for forthcoming
movies. Other small companies have picked
up this idea – a radio controlled car
company sends customers designs or
photos of new products in development
while clothing companies send out sneak
previews of the new season’s range.

If you have got a website, then your
customers are only ever a few clicks away
from completing a purchase. Unlike other
media which require people to get up and
make a phone call, post a letter or go to a
shop, e-marketing is seamless. The change
from reading an e-mail to buying on a
website is negligible – no special effort is
required, meaning that your call to action
can be much more direct.
Together, all of these aspects of e-marketing
add up to one thing: more sales. Read on for
more details of the different types ofe-marketing technology.

What is e-marketing?

Obviously these figures don’t tell the whole
Story – not all sales made online are the
Result of e-marketing and not every business
has benefited equally. What is certain?
though, is that many businesses are
producing great results with e-marketing and
its flexible and cost-effective nature make it
particularly suitable for small and medium
sized businesses.
It is no exaggeration to describe e-marketing
As a revolution for the marketing industry.
For the first time,
it gives businesses of any size access to the mass market
at an affordable price and, unlike TV or print advertising,
it allows truly personalised marketing. Specific benefits of
e-marketing include:
The benefits
· global reach
· lower cost
· trackable, measurable results
· 24-hour marketing
· shorter lead times
· a level playing field
· personalisation
· one-to-one marketing
· more interesting campaigns
· better conversion rate

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What is search engine optimization?

SEO(search engine optimization) is the process in which your website undergoes redevelopment to more effectively communicate your keywords to search engines.
Optimizing your website enables it to rank higher on major search engines.
Search engines rank websites based on two major factors: unique content that contains pertinent keywords, and link popularity - the number of quality incoming links to your website.
Other important factors that determine your ranking with search engines are the architecture of the site, the visibility of your content, its underlying code and how natural your site appears to the engines.

Friday, February 20, 2009

How Search Engines Work

Search engines crawl, weight, and index Web page content. Crawling is done by a search robot that traverses the links in a Web site and captures the content. Search engines then use algorithms and heuristics to assign weights to Web pages. This information is used to build the search index, which is used to build a results page based on your query.